Monday, 25 June 2012

Detox Massage - turn SAD into GLAD!

abdominal massage - a major part of the Detox Massage
It's that time of the year again, when SAD takes hold along with the colds and flus. SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as the Winter Blues, has a tendency to contribute to increased toxins in the body due to our over eating, over sleeping and lack of exercise. However, this year  I have become aware of the many friends and clients who have decided to turn SAD into GLAD this season and under go a process of extreme self care, or Detox.

What is Detox?

A detox may be described as a cleansing of the body from the toxins and poisons that may have accumulated in the colon, lymph, lungs, gallbladder, skin, blood, kidneys and liver. A detox gives the body a chance to clear and remove toxins, thus enabling our body systems to work more effectively and efficiently.

Every day we ingest toxins from the foods we eat, the drinks we consume and the air we breathe. Our bodies also create internal toxins as the result of inflammation and stress response bi-products. A build up of excess toxins from the over consumption of  and refined foods, alcohol, smoking, drugs stress may leave the body feeling tired, sick, stressed or overweight.

Symptoms of toxicity build up

One of the major signs of toxin build up in the body is the breakdown of the immune system which may present itself as many different ailments headaches, muscle and joint pain, abdominal bloating, fatigue, irritability, mild depression, heartburn or even flu like symptoms. Infact, many of these ailments may be experienced during the early stage of detox. 

Detox Massage

It is common for our  bodies to develop a somewhat sluggish lymphatic flow from inactivity and build up of toxins in the body.  One of the primary goals of massage therapy is to increase the efficiency of lymphatic flow and assist in relaxation. Relaxation of the mind and the muscles assists the body to eliminate toxins properly.

Techniques that are energising, stimulating and promote flushing and flow assist in the removal of toxins that are stored within the body. Lymphatic drainage techniques assist in the flushing away and removal of built up fluid and bloating in the body. Abdominal massage can assist in moving stored toxins that are built up in the colon and intestines. And the application of foot massage allows for important internal organs to be stimulated or sedated through reflex points.

Benefits of a Detox Massage

  • assists the digestive system
  • assists sluggish liver function
  • promotes levels of friendly bacteria
  • stimulates blood flow to the skin surface
  • increases blood and lymph flow
  • stimulates the immune system
  • assists in the elimination of toxins 
  • supports weight maintenance and weight loss
  • reduces bloating and flatulence
  • increases energy
  • increased concentration/clarity
A Detox Massage is a holistic body treatment that aims to cleanse the body, mind and spirit and help with the detox process. The treatment is a 90 minute massage that encompasses the whole body and uses an organic massage oil blend of Sweet Almond Oil with Patchouli, Orange and Lavender Essential. The Detox Massage will leave you feeling relaxed and you will experience a lightness as your energy is able to flow freely, harmonising body and mind.

Have a Stress Less Day!

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