Stress is such a buzz word at the moment, but what does it mean and how does it affect our body?
In the dictionary, stress is described as:
"the physical pressure, pull, or other force exerted on one thing by another; strain."
and a stressor can be described as:
"an event, experience, etc, that causes stress"
Stress in the body is such a powerful factor in everyone's life. We are working longer hours than ever before. Our children have greater pressures and expectations placed upon them. And our relationships are enduring the strain of life and the ever changing technological world we live in. Stress, it seems, is ever increasing and undermining our health and wellbeing in many ways.
It is possible that you may be unaware of the effects of stress in your life, initially. But the presence of ongoing headaches, restless sleeping or tired, aching muscles in the back and shoulders are the body's way of dialoguing to you, letting you know that all is not well. Every time a Stress Overload occurs, the body stores this as tension and it reduces efficiency in all the body's systems.
However, not all stress is bad. A certain amount of stress is good for you. It's the kind of stress that challenges you and keeps you motivated. It strives you forward towards personal development and growth.
Our bodies are designed for self healing. It's a term called 'homeostasis', which is a state of equilibirum on all levels, physical, emotional, chemical. And the body works hard to maintain this cellular level of balance. When Stress becomes a negative, destructive factor in life, the body works harder to achieve balance. It goes beyond the individual’s ability to adapt to it. When stress overload is reached, instead of the stress being released, it becomes stored within the body. This may lead to stiffness, postural distortion, a loss of flexibility, pain or numbness.
Remedial massage is an effective method of relieving stress and anxiety in the body and is renowned for it's therapeutic effects. Massage releases tensions and toxins from the muscles and stimulates the hormone and immune systems. Reduced muscular tension, enhanced circulation, increased mental alertness and a reduction in nervous tension, stress and anxiety are all benefits of massage. When you combine an aromatherapy oil blend such as Lavender and Bergamot, the benefits are doubled, and relaxation is achieved, which ultimately is the primary goal of massage therapy.
Have a Stress Less Day!